In the Dining Corner


  • Model: Lea De Mae
  • Nationality: Czech
  • Location: Prague, Czech Republic
  • Date: 07/2003

Lea De Mae surely was one of the biggest pornstars ever. Chris, who took all our photos of her, spent 2 months close to her in the hospital before she lost her fight against brain cancer. Her death means a big loss to us, because we not only miss our best model but also a very close friend.

Sometimes people are asking “Why do you still sell her photos and videos?” We understand the question. And the answer is: surely not because of the little money, but because she would have wanted it that way. She enjoyed to show her naked body and to see how people enjoy looking at her. One time she said: “I think I’m an exhibitionist.” At least this part of her person shall always be alive!

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